Saturday, August 30, 2008

Real men use a BOW!

I have to admit that being "Bow" season I really didn't expect to be cooking venison! Taking it to the butcher in Cedar was quite the adventure..Gabe was thrilled when the butcher cut the head off..I told him to look away he replied " No Mom! It's Awesome!"


Dany said...

Hey Curt nice buck.How ever I dont know about the real man thing. lol
Matt said that you probaly ran it over 2 or 3 times with 4 wheeler and then stuck the arrow in
Did you get buck fever? I bet it was fun sneeking up on him.
are you going hunting with us this year or can you only get one buck?
well let me know if u get this caus I'm not very good on the computer.
layter Dany.

Amy said...

Hey brother...I'm so glad you found my blog! Just to defend my husband..1st arrow took him down! And to answer for my honey..Heck yea I'm getting my deer hunt vacation..He'll probably come for the weekend for some male bonding time!!!

Harriet said...

Boy, that is some deer!!! You will have lots of good Sunday dinners because of him!!!